Vehicle to Grid Scheduling (V2G) – Valley Filling, Peak Load Shaving, Priority Charging Mode

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Electric vehicles (EVs) are rapidly gaining traction in today’s transportation landscape. However, their integration with the power grid poses a critical challenge. The surge in EV adoption contributes to peak load demand, exerting strain on the grid and raising blackout concerns. Vehicle-to-grid scheduling is the process of managing the charging and discharging of electric vehicles (EVs) to optimize the use of grid resources and provide benefits to both EV owners and grid operators. Nonetheless, EVs can also emerge as a solution by participating in Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) services.

Understanding Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G)

V2G, short for Vehicle to Grid, presents a revolutionary technology allowing EVs to supply power back to the grid. This innovation holds the potential to stabilize the grid, mitigate peak load demand, and enhance overall grid reliability.

The Trio of V2G Services

V2G offers three primary services that effectively address grid challenges:

  1. Valley Filling: Balancing Peaks and Valleys: Valley filling is an ingenious approach where Electric Vehicle EVs charge during periods of low electricity demand and discharge during peak hours. This intelligent strategy smoothens the load curve and significantly mitigates peak load demand.
  2. Peak Load Shaving: Preventing Blackouts: The concept of peak load shaving involves EVs discharging energy during peak hours to alleviate the burden on the grid. By doing so, this service acts as a preventative measure against blackouts, safeguarding grid stability.
  3. Priority Charging: Rapid Charging for Critical Services: Priority charging entails giving certain EVs precedence in charging, even if it means delaying other customers. This is especially vital for EVs with time-sensitive roles, such as taxis and delivery vehicles.

Efficient Grid Management: The Priority-Based V2G Algorithm

In pursuit of optimizing grid stability, a priority-based V2G scheduling algorithm takes center stage. This algorithm, adeptly operating in three distinct modes – valley filling, peak load shaving, and priority charging, takes a strategic approach to minimize grid load variance.

Prioritization Based on State-of-Charge (SoC)

The algorithm’s foundational principle rests on evaluating each EV’s state-of-charge (SoC) to determine the optimal charging or discharging power. EVs with lower SoC values are given precedence for charging, while those with higher SoC values are favored for discharging activities.

Strategic Mode Selection

The algorithm deftly selects the most suitable mode of operation based on grid conditions. When the grid experiences a load, the algorithm seamlessly transitions to peak load shaving mode. Conversely, if the grid is under lighter demand, valley filling mode is implemented to ensure grid balance.

Real-world Validation: A Glimpse of Success

Practical validation of the algorithm was carried out within a commercial-residential area with 1300 EVs. The results were resounding – the algorithm emerged triumphant in minimizing grid load variance while prioritizing EVs with low SoC. A striking transformation was evident, as the initial peak-off peak loading variation of 5 MW dwindled to an impressive 1.5 MW post-algorithm deployment.

Powering Towards Grid Resilience: The Significance of V2G

This study underscores the profound potential of V2G in fortifying both the reliability and efficiency of the power grid. As EV numbers continue their upward trajectory, V2G stands poised to emerge as an indispensable tool for grid operators.

Unveiling the Benefits of Vehicle to Grid Scheduling V2G

1. Peak Load Demand Reduction

V2G takes the helm in reducing peak load demand by intelligently shifting charging schedules from peak hours to periods of lower demand. This strategic maneuver not only averts blackouts but also elevates overall grid reliability.

2. Augmented Grid Stability

By seamlessly offering a reserve of energy that can be utilized to balance the load, V2G plays a pivotal role in enhancing grid stability. This energy buffer helps thwart voltage fluctuations and other disruptive factors that might trigger blackouts.

3. Expanding EV Range

EVs empowered with V2G capabilities can extend their range by drawing from stored energy to propel their journeys. This extension holds particular value for long-distance travel, rendering it more feasible for EV users.

4. Economical Gains for EV Owners

V2G participation is a boon for EV owners, enabling them to generate income by supplying surplus energy back to the grid. This revenue stream effectively offsets the costs associated with EV ownership.

Vehicle to Grid Scheduling and Optimization Algorithm

The integration of Electric Vehicles (EVs) into the power grid has spurred the development of innovative solutions to optimize energy utilization and grid stability. A pivotal advancement in this domain is the emergence of Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) scheduling and optimization algorithms. These algorithms offer a strategic framework to harness the potential of EVs not only as mobility solutions but also as dynamic components of the broader energy ecosystem.

Vehicle to Grid Scheduling Conclusion

As we wrap up our exploration of the V2G landscape, it becomes evident that this trajectory is not just promising but transformative. The concept of Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) holds the potential to usher in a new era of enhanced reliability and efficiency within our power grids. Its impact is poised to extend far beyond its initial strides, as it sets the stage for a revolutionary shift in the energy landscape. Let’s delve into some frequently asked questions to glean a deeper understanding of this evolving phenomenon:


Q1: What makes the V2G concept so transformative?

A: V2G marks a paradigm shift by turning EVs into dynamic assets that actively contribute to grid stability. Instead of being mere consumers, EVs become active participants in grid management, offering services that optimize energy distribution and consumption.

Q2: How does the ascent of EVs enhance the importance of V2G?

A: The surge in EV adoption exponentially magnifies the significance of V2G. With a growing fleet of EVs on the roads, the potential energy reservoir that these vehicles collectively represent becomes a critical asset for managing grid fluctuations.

Q3: What role does V2G play in grid resilience during peak load periods?

A: During peak load hours, when the demand for electricity is at its highest, V2G steps in as a lifeline. By intelligently redistributing stored energy from EVs to the grid, V2G helps prevent grid overload, reducing the risk of blackouts and ensuring a stable energy supply.

Q4: How does V2G address concerns about renewable energy intermittency?

A: V2G offers a viable solution to the challenge of renewable energy intermittency. EVs, functioning as mobile energy storage units, can absorb excess renewable energy during periods of surplus and feed it back into the grid when renewable sources are less productive.

Q5: What about concerns regarding battery life and degradation?

A: V2G implementations are designed with battery health in mind. Advanced algorithms ensure that discharging activities do not compromise the longevity of EV batteries. This is achieved by carefully managing the depth of discharge and other operational parameters.

Q6: How does V2G benefit EV owners beyond grid services?

A: Beyond grid contributions, V2G creates tangible benefits for EV owners. They can generate revenue by selling surplus energy back to the grid, offsetting their EV-related costs and making ownership even more economical.


  1. “Vehicle-to-Grid Integration: Opportunities and Challenges.” Link
  2. “Vehicle-to-Grid: Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) Grid Integration.” Link



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