DSTATCOM and Renewable Energy (Solar, Wind) – Matlab Simulink

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Principle and Operation of DSTATCOM :

DSTATCOM stands for Distribution Static Compensator and is an important device used to enhance the power quality in a distribution or transmission system. It essentially functions as a reactive power source which helps to balance the voltages on different parts of the distribution network by providing real or reactive power. The operation of a DSTATCOM involves controlling current flow from the source to the load to ensure desired voltage profile is maintained. DSTATCOM makes use of a Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) inverter for this purpose. The application of DSTATCOM in conjunction with renewable energy sources like solar, wind, or hydropower can be beneficial in terms of both operation and cost savings. With respect to solar, a DSTATCOM can be used to regulate the voltage and current profile of the power generated by the solar panels. This helps in providing better power quality while also reducing losses due to line impedance.

Simulink Model for DSTATCOM

MATLAB Simulink is an ideal platform for studying and simulating the operation of DSTATCOM in conjunction with Renewable Energy sources. The block diagrams can be used to create customized models that accurately replicate the performance of the system while different parameters can be altered to obtain the desired output. Simulations using MATLAB Simulink can also provide valuable insights into the behavior of different components of the system such as power converters, controllers, etc. DSTATCOM MATLAB simulation can also be used to analyze the impact of different operating conditions on the performance of a DSTATCOM and its interactions with other components in the system.

DSTATCOM in distribution system consists of power electronic converters and control systems for Voltage Regulation, Reactive Power Compensation, Harmonic Filtering, Load Balancing, etc. On the other hand, renewable energy sources (solar and wind) are becoming increasingly popular due to their potential to provide clean, renewable, and affordable energy.

Building a Model of the Power System

The first step to modeling the Distribution STATCOM in a MATLAB Simulink environment is to create an accurate model of the power system that takes into account all relevant components such as load, generation, transmission lines, transformers, and more. This model should also include the Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR), which acts as a backup device when disturbances occur in the network. Having an accurate model of the system is essential because it will ensure that your simulations are accurate and reliable.

Grid Representation for IEEE 33bus with Solar & Wind & STATCOM

principle and operation of dstatcom

Creating a Model of the DSTATCOM

Once you have created a model of your power system, it’s time to create a model of the DSTATCOM itself. This requires accurately representing all components and parameters associated with the device such as its capacitors, thyristors, inductors, and other elements. Additionally, you must also program in any control algorithms necessary for proper operation such as PI controllers and harmonic filters.

matlab code for dstatcom

Integrating Renewable Energy Sources

Once you have created models for both your power system and your DSTATCOM device, you can begin to integrate renewable energy sources into your simulation. Solar and wind are two popular types of renewable energy sources that can be easily integrated into your model thanks to their predictable behavior in response to external conditions such as temperature or wind speed. You will need to accurately represent these external conditions for your simulation results to be reliable.

The combined effect of DSTATCOM and Renewable Energy Sources on the distribution system in terms of improving power quality is performed through MATLAB Simulink Program. In terms of losses and voltage profile, it proved that the incorporation of DSTATCOM in the power system can improve reliability and performance.

The model is tested on the IEEE standard network and the response of the system in case of fault and without fault is tested properly. Model
IEEE 33, Wind Farm, Solar Project, DSTATCOM,
The fault Duration is 200ms
PQ 200KV
PV Model 3MVAR
Wind Farm 2MW


Reactive Power Compensation using DSTATCOM

The DSTATCOM can be used to improve the power quality of the system by providing reactive power compensation. This can be done in two ways, either actively or passively. In active reactive power compensation, the DSTATCOM uses its capacitors to provide real-time voltage and frequency control. On the other hand, passive reactive power compensation relies on the capacitor banks to provide a steady-state compensation and doesn’t require any control algorithms.

dstatcom in matlab

Validating the Model

Once you have created and integrated your models, it is important to validate them against data from actual power systems. This can be done by comparing simulation results to measured values taken from real power systems to ensure the accuracy of your models. This is an important step in the process as it ensures that your simulations will produce reliable and accurate results.

DSTATCOM Matlab Code

You may contact the simulation tutor team to get the DSTATCOM MATLAB file. They will provide you with the DSTATCOM MATLAB file that you can use to create and simulate your model in Simulink. You can also contact them for assistance in debugging any issues you may have encountered during your simulation. Looking for a MATLAB code explainer, you can contact our website.

dstatcom matlab file

What are the applications of DSTATCOM for reactive power compensation and voltage regulation in renewable energy sources?

The DSTATCOM can be used to improve the power quality of a system using reactive power compensation and voltage regulation. This is particularly useful in systems that utilize renewable energy sources such as solar and wind, as these sources provide unpredictable amounts of electricity which can lead to problems in the form of voltage fluctuations or harmonic distortion. By using DSTATCOM, these issues can be addressed effectively. The device can also be used for load balancing, which is essential in systems that are relying on a mix of generation sources such as solar and wind. This ensures that all sources of electricity are evenly utilized and helps to ensure the reliability and efficient operation of the system.

Overall, the DSTATCOM is an essential tool for managing renewable energy sources and improving the power quality of any system. By accurately representing all components associated with the device and integrating them into a simulation model, you can ensure that your simulations are reliable and accurate. This will help you to maximize the efficiency of your system and reduce its environmental impact.

simulink model for dstatcom

Load Compensation and Voltage Regulation using DSTATCOM

The Distributed STATCOM can also be used for load compensation and voltage regulation. Load compensation using DSTATCOM is especially useful in systems that are utilizing renewable energy sources such as solar and wind. By compensating for the changes in the load that occur due to the unpredictable behavior of these sources, you can ensure that your system remains stable and reliable. Additionally, the DSTATCOM can be used to regulate voltage levels so that they remain within acceptable limits. This helps to prevent power outages and ensure the efficient operation of your system. Overall, the DSTATCOM is a powerful tool for managing renewable energy sources and improving the power quality of any system. By accurately representing all components associated with the device and integrating them into a simulation model, you can ensure that your simulations are reliable and accurate.

dstatcom in distribution system

Voltage Sag Mitigation using DSTATCOM

Voltage sag can occur in a power system due to faults or heavy loading. By using DSTATCOM, the voltage sag can be mitigated and the system’s performance improved. The device uses its capacitors and thyristors to inject or absorb reactive power to balance out the voltage fluctuations and restore normal operation. This is done by controlling the magnitude and phase angle of the injected/absorbed reactive power. This allows the system to operate more efficiently and with better power quality.


MATHWORK provides a suite of tools to help users simulate power systems with DSTATCOM. This includes Simulink, which is an intuitive visual tool that allows users to quickly and easily build models. It also includes the Power System Blockset, which provides blocks specifically designed for modeling power system components such as DSTATCOMs. These blocks can then be integrated into larger power system models to simulate their behavior. This tool suite provides a powerful and user-friendly environment for users to accurately model and simulate systems with DSTATCOMs.

dstatcom matlab simulation

Disadvantages of DSTATCOM

One of the drawbacks of DSTATCOM is its limited power handling capacity. They are only rated for a certain reactive power range and cannot handle extreme power changes. Additionally, they can only handle a certain frequency range and may not be suitable for systems with varying frequencies. They also require careful tuning to ensure that they are providing the correct amount of reactive power for optimal operation. Finally, DSTATCOMs can be expensive to install and maintain, which makes them cost-prohibitive for some applications.

SUMMARY for Load flow for subnetwork No 1                                                            
  Total generation  : P=     10.53 MW Q=     12.35 Mvar                                
  Total PQ load     : P=      3.72 MW Q=      2.30 Mvar                                
  Total Zshunt load : P=      5.74 MW Q=      4.64 Mvar                                
  Total ASM load    : P=      0.00 MW Q=      0.53 Mvar                                
  Total losses      : P=      1.07 MW Q=      4.89 Mvar                                
1 : BUS_1  V= 1.000 pu/11kV 0.00 deg  ; Swing bus                                      
        Generation : P=   10.53 MW Q=   12.35 Mvar                                     
        PQ_load    : P=    0.00 MW Q=    0.00 Mvar                                     
        Z_shunt    : P=    0.00 MW Q=    0.00 Mvar                                     
   -->  *1*        : P=    3.69 MW Q=    6.10 Mvar                                     
   -->  *17*       : P=    3.78 MW Q=    2.53 Mvar                                     
   -->  *2*        : P=    2.94 MW Q=    1.60 Mvar                                     
   -->  *4*        : P=    0.13 MW Q=    2.12 Mvar                                     
2 : *1*  V= 0.960 pu/11kV -0.51 deg                                                    
        Generation : P=    0.00 MW Q=    0.00 Mvar                                     
        PQ_load    : P=    0.00 MW Q=   -0.00 Mvar                                     
        Z_shunt    : P=    2.76 MW Q=   -0.18 Mvar                                     
   -->  *5*        : P=    0.83 MW Q=    6.01 Mvar      


Modeling systems with MATLAB Simulink is an effective way to simulate how devices like DSTATCOMs interact with renewable energy sources like solar or wind power within an electrical grid system design. By creating models for both components—the power system and the DSTATCOM—as well as accurately representing external conditions like temperature or wind speed, you can create simulations that are realistic representations of real-world scenarios so that you can better understand how different variables interact with each other over time. Implementing these simulations into real-world designs will help ensure the successful performance of electricity grids utilizing renewable energy sources alongside traditional generating technologies like diesel engines or gas turbines.


What is the difference between STATCOM and DSTATCOM?

STATCOM and DSTATCOM are both static synchronous compensators (SVC) used for reactive power compensation, voltage control, and harmonic filtering. The primary difference between the two is that STATCOMs use a voltage source converter (VSC) while DSTATCOMs use an inverter-based thyristor converter. This means that DSTATCOMs can provide more precise and rapid control of reactive power, as well as better harmonic filter capabilities.

What are the advantages of DSTATCOM?

The main advantages of DSTATCOM are its precision and flexibility for reactive power compensation, voltage regulation, and harmonic filtering. It is also able to provide fast response times and can be integrated into a system using renewable energy sources such as solar and wind. By utilizing DSTATCOM, you can ensure that your electricity grid is operating efficiently and reliably.

What are some of the applications of DSTATCOM?

The primary application for DSTATCOMs is to improve power quality by providing reactive power compensation, voltage regulation, and harmonic filtering. It can also be used for load balancing in systems that are relying on a mix of generation sources such as solar and wind. Additionally, DSTATCOMs can be used for voltage sag mitigation to ensure the system is performing optimally.

What kinds of simulations can you do with MATLAB Simulink?

MATLAB Simulink can be used to create simulations of renewable energy sources, electrical grids, and power systems. By creating models of all components associated with the system, you can accurately represent external conditions like temperature or wind speed to create simulations that can be used to better understand how different variables interact with each other over time.

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